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Kamis, 04 November 2010

CCNA Discovery 2 Module 1 Exam Answers

Kamis, 04 November 2010 |
1. Which two things can be determined by using the ping command? (Choose two.)
  • the number of routers between the source and destination device
  • the IP address of the router nearest the destination device
  • the average time it takes a packet to reach the destination and for the response to return to the source
  • whether or not the destination device is reachable through the network
  • the average time it takes each router in the path between source and destination to respond

2. What are three main types of high-bandwidth connection options used by medium- to large-sized businesses? (Choose three.)
  • DSL
  • cable modem
  • Ethernet
  • metro Ethernet
  • T1
  • T3

3. What is the maximum T1 transmission speed?
  • 56 kbps
  • 128 kbps
  • 1.544 Mbps
  • 2.4 Mbps

4. Which of the following start the test of destination reachability?
  • echo request issued by source
  • echo reply issued by source
  • echo request issued by destination
  • echo reply issued by destination

5. Which statement describes a function of a Tier 1 ISP?
  • peers with other similarly sized ISPs to form the global Internet backbone
  • uses the services of Tier 3 ISPs to connect to the global Internet backbone
  • pays Tier 2 ISPs for transit services to connect across continents
  • limits the offered services to small geographic areas

6. At which point do individuals and small businesses connect directly to the ISP network to obtain Internet access?
  • at a POP
  • at an IXP
  • at a Metro Ethernet link
  • on the ISP extranet

7. What information is contained in the numbered RFCs maintained by the IETF?
  • the rules for acceptable use of websites and e-mail
  • the descriptions of various hardware components that connect to the Internet
  • the specifications and rules for how devices communicate over an IP network
  • the standards for cabling and wiring for local Ethernet networks

8. Which network support services team is responsible for testing a new customer connection and for monitoring the ongoing operation of the link?"
  • customer service
  • help desk
  • network operations
  • on-site installation

9. Which network support services team identifies whether the client site has existing network hardware and circuits installed?
  • customer service
  • help desk
  • network operations
  • planning and provisioning

10. Which ISP network support systems team will typically contact the customer once a new circuit is ready and guide the customer in setting up passwords and other account information?
  • help desk
  • customer service
  • network operations center
  • on-site installation team
  • planning and provisioning

11. What feature allows network devices to be scalable?
  • a fixed number of interfaces
  • ease of repair
  • modularity
  • low maintenance requirements
  • low cost

12. Which command generated this output?
  • 1 4 msec 4 msec 4 msec
  • 2 20 msec 16 msec 16 msec
  • 3 16 msec 18 msec 16 msec
  • Router# traceroute
  • Router# nslookup
  • Router# ping
  • Router# telnet

13. Which network utility helps determine the location of network problems and identifies routers that packets travel across?
  • ping
  • ipconfig
  • traceroute
  • ixp

14. What interconnects the Internet backbone?
  • gateway routers
  • IXPs
  • POPs
  • satellite dishes

15. What units are used to measure Internet bandwidth?
  • bits per second
  • bytes per second
  • hertz
  • megabytes per second
  • packets per second

16. The IT manager of a medium-sized business wishes to house the company-owned web servers in a facility that offers round-the-clock controlled access, redundant power, and high-bandwidth Internet access. Which ISP service will fulfill this need?
  • web hosting
  • planning and provisioning
  • application hosting
  • equipment colocation
  • Tier 1 ISP services

17. What is the purpose of an RFC?
  • to provide the connection point for multiple ISPs to the Internet
  • to document the development and approval of an Internet standard
  • to connect a business to an ISP
  • to provide data communication services to ISP customers
  • to monitor network performance and connection status of ISP clients

18. When did the Internet become available for use by businesses and consumers?
  • 1979
  • 1984
  • 1991
  • 1999
  • 2000

19. What was the original purpose of the Internet?
  • voice communication
  • marketing
  • research
  • commerce

20. What three support service teams are commonly found within an ISP? (Choose three.)
  • help desk
  • computer support
  • application readiness
  • network operations center
  • planning and provisioning
  • implementation and documentation

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