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Kamis, 11 November 2010

Labskill2 - Lab Evaluating a Cabling Upgrade Plan

Kamis, 11 November 2010 |
  • Examine the existing floor plan of a customer.
  • Propose a cable upgrade plan to accommodate extra floor space.
Background / Preparation
A medium sized company has existing space on the second floor of an office tower and has just acquired the rest of the second floor. They have asked you to examine their existing floor plan and assist the the placement of a new IDF, placement of cables to support all of the new office space, and to help determine if any new devices are required. This lab can be done individually or in groups. The following resources are required:
  • Existing Floor Plan (provided)

Step 1: Examine the existing floor plan

From the information provided on the existing floor plan, label the following items:
1. POP –Point of Presence
2. MDF – Main Distribution Facility
3. IDF – Intermediate Distribution Facility
4. vertical/Backbone Cabling
5. Horizontal Cabling
b. What type of cabling could be used for the vertical/back bone cabling? Explain your answer
Jawab: Kabel yang digunakan ialah vertical backbone cable, alasannya karena jaringan yang akan dibangun terletak pada lantai dua dan jika dianalogikan posisi masing masing device kerja atau bagian kerja akan bersimpangan. Oleh karena itu kabel yang digunakan ialah vertical backbone cable dangan sambungan vertical patch panel.

Step 2 :Evaluate plan for new floor space.
Any Company has just merged with a small web design group and has acquired the remaining space on the second floor to accommodate the web design tea. This new space is represented on the diagram as the floor space highlighted on the right side of the floor plan. It has been decided to add a second IDF to support the work stations in the new area.

a. Suggest a possible location for the new IDF . What room / location did you choose and explain why you think it is suitable?
Jawab: Ruangan / lokasi yang cocok untuk memasang IDF baru ialah pada telecommunication room karena IDF sebagai fasilitas pendistribusi merupakan perangkat yang harus tersusun dengan perangkat server.
b. What type of cable would you suggest for the vertical cabling required to connect the new IDF to the existing MDF? Explain your reasons
Jawab: Jenis cable yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan IDF dan MDF adalah Horizontal Cabling, alasannya IDF dan MDF dihubungkan untuk langsung terkoneksi ke area kerja (work area) sehingga harus menggunakan cabel horizontal.
c. The new space contains mostly offices. Assume that each office will be provisioned with 2 data drops. Also plan for 2 drops in the auditorium to support Internet access for presentations and training sessions. How many additional data drops need to be ordered?
Jawab: dibutuhkan dua data drops lagi.
d. You have been asked to determine the number of new 24 port switches required for the new IDF. Remember to plan on approximately 25% growth. How many new switches will Company ABC need to purchase?
Jawab: banyaknya switch yang dibutuhkan dengan perkembangan perusahaan yang dianalisa 25% adalah 60 buah switch dengan perhitungan. Masing – masing lantai terdiri dari 24 switch dan perlutambahan untuk perkembangan sebanyak 6 buah = 24 x 2 = 48 + 12 = 60 buah switch
e. How many horizontal cables will terminate on patch panels in the new IDF?
Jawab: Sebanyak 32 buah kabel horizontal, termasuk pada telecommunications room.

Step3: Examine the floor space and wiring plan.
a. What equipment other than switches would you expect to find in the new IDF?
Jawab : Horizontal cable, Switch,hub
b. What equipment other than switches would you expect to find in the MDF?
Jawab : Vertical cable,Router.
c. Using existing cable runs, could you use UTP to connect the devices in room 2.20 or 2 .30 directly into a switch in the MDF?
Jawab : Ya bisa dapat langsung digunakan.

Step 4 . Reflection
a. Is it better to have an IDF in this floor space or should the company run the horizontal cables for each device directly back to the existing MDF?
Jawab: Lebih baik menggukan IDF dengan koneksi kabel horizontal untuk terhubung sebagai mediator untuk distribusi.
b. How many cables will be required from the MDF to the IDF to support the switches? Explain your answer
Jawab : 3 buah kabel, alasannya setelah terkoneksi dengan router, dibutuhkan 3 lagi alat berupa repeater. Maka agar alat itu bisa digunakan dibutuhkan 3 lagi kabel horizontal

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