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Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

CCNA Discovery 1 Module 9

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010 |
1. What should a network administrator do first after receiving a call from a user who cannot access the company web server?
  • Ask the user what URL has been typed and what error message displays.

2. A customer called the cable company to report that the Internet connection is unstable. After trying several configuration changes, the technician decided to send the customer a new cable modem to try. What troubleshooting technique does this represent?
  • Substitution

3. Only one workstation on a particular network cannot reach the Internet. What is the first troubleshooting step if the divide-and-conquer method is being used?
  • Check the workstation TCP/IP configuration.

4. Which two troubleshooting techniques are suitable for both home networks and large corporate networks? (Choose two.)
  • Documenting the troubleshooting process
  • Keeping a record of system upgrades and software versions

5. Identify two physical-layer network problems. (Choose two.)
  • hardware failure
  • Loose cable connections

6. Which ipconfig command requests IP configuration from a DHCP server?
  • Ipconfig /renew

7. What command is used to determine the location of delay for a packet traversing the Internet?
  • Tracert

8. What command is used to determine if a DNS server is providing name resolution?
  • Nslookup

9. Which troubleshooting method begins by examining cable connections and wiring issues?
  • Bottom-up

10. A technician suspects that a Linksys integrated router is the source of a network problem. While troubleshooting, the technician notices a blinking green activity LED on some of the ports. What does this indicate?
  • The ports are operational and are receiving traffic.

11. A PC is plugged into a switch and is unable to connect to the network. The UTP cable is suspected. What could be the problem?
  • A crossover cable is being used.

12. Refer to the graphic. What configuration is incorrect in the network shown?

13. Which three settings must match on the client and access point for a wireless connection to occur? (Choose three.)
  • SSID
  • Authentication
  • Encryption key

14. A technician is troubleshooting a security breach on a new wireless access point. Which three configuration settings make it easy for hackers to gain access? (Choose three.)
  • Configuring NAT
  • Broadcasting the SSID
  • Using open authentication
  • Using the default internal IP address

15. Refer to the graphic. The wireless host cannot access the Internet, but the wired host can. What is the problem?

16. Refer to the graphic. What configuration is incorrect in the network shown?

17. When acting as a DHCP server, what three types of information can an ISR provide to a client? (Choose three.)
  • Default gateway
  • Dynamic IP address
  • DNS server address

18. What two items could be checked to verify connectivity between the router and the ISP? (Choose two.)
  • Router status page
  • Connectivity status as indicated by LEDs

19. A technician is unsuccessful in establishing a console session between a PC and a Linksys integrated router. Both devices have power, and a cable is connected between them. Which two troubleshooting steps could help to diagnose this problem? (Choose two.)
  • Ensure the correct cable is used.
  • Ensure the link status LED on the integrated router is lit.

20. Network baselines should be performed in which two situations? (Choose two.)
  • After the network is installed and running optimally
  • After major changes are implemented on the network

21. Typically, help desk personnel assist end users in which two tasks? (Choose two.)
  • Identifying when the problem occurred
  • Implementing the solution to the problem

22. How does remote-access software help in the troubleshooting process?
  • Diagnostics can be run without a technician being present at the site.

23. Which two items should be added to the documentation following a troubleshooting event? (Choose two.)
  • Final resolution
  • Results of successful and unsuccessful troubleshooting steps

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