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Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Quiz Chapter 8 - CCNA

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010 |
1. Drag the network threat on the left to the definition on the right.
  • Data lossn = destroying data on a hard drive
  • Data manipulation = changing data for personal gain
  • Disruption of service = overloading a server to reduce its performance
  • Information theft = stealing data on a hard drive to gain a competitive advantage
  • Identity = stealing information to impersonate someone and usually to obtain credit.
2. How does a phisher typically contact a victim?
  • by E-mail

3. A file is downloaded from the internet. After the user opens the downloaded file, the user’s hard drive crashes and all information on the computer is lost. What type of attack occurred?
  • Virus

4. In rapid succession, an intruder tries a large number of possibilities to guess passwords. As a result, other users on the network are locked out. What type of attack occurred?
  • Brute force

5. What type of program installs and gathers personal information, including password and account information, from a computer without permission or knowledge of the user?
  • Spyware

6. A network administration is troubleshooting a computer that is operating strangely. It boots slowly, programs will not load, and the keyboard responds very slowly. What is the best action for the administrator to take?
  • Boot the PC and Run anti-virus and anti-spyware applications from an external drive.

7. Drag the term on left to the best description on the right.
  • Stateful packet inspection = can look inside the packet up through layer 7
  • Website filtering = allows or denies access based on a URL
  • Simple packet filtering = allows or denies access based on an IP or MAC address
  • NAT = keeps external users from knowing the IP Address used inside the network

8. Drag the term on left to the definition on the right.
  • Integrated = a feature of a network device such as a router.
  • Personal firewall = an application designed to protect a home PC
  • Appliance-based firewall = a device that has the sole function of being a firewall
  • Server-based firewall = an application designed to protect the enterprise network

9. What are three security features commonly found on an ISR? (Choose Three)
  • DMZ
  • NAT
  • SPI

10.What are two purposes of a DMZ? (Choose two)
  • To create a network area that allows internal resources, such as a web server, to be accessed by external users.
  • To establish a network area where network resources can be shared by both internal and external users.

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Kami baru saja mengeluarkan versi terbaru dari meiN-AutoDEkrip yaitu versi 2. Yang sangat jauh berbeda dengan versi yang pertama, untuk merasakan perbedaanya silahkan langsung didownload pada link berikut :

Update : Pada versi 2 ini, sertiap user diberikan password yang berbeda dengan teknik enkripsi yang berbeda juga sehingga tidak sama dengan yang lain.
Untuk mendapatkan password yang lain dari "default"nya silahkan kirimkan permohonan password kepada kami, dan jelaskan mengapa membutuhkan password tersebut dan mengapa menggunakan software kami. Terimakasih.

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